Strengthening Key Competences in Agriculture for Value Chain Knowledge

The SKILLS project is a pioneering initiative within the European Union, aiming to foster circular agriculture principles in response to the imperative call for sustainable practices. With agriculture covering nearly 50% of the EU's territory, its role in land management and natural resource preservation is pivotal. The project emphasizes the adoption of correct and environmentally friendly practices by agricultural producers, in line with EU regulations for sustainable agriculture.

SKILLS has multifaceted objectives: modernizing agricultural curricula, promoting circular agriculture concepts, and cultivating green skills among stakeholders. Recognizing the need for changes in Higher Education (HE) at Faculties of Agriculture (FA), the project aims to identify pressing needs through extensive research and stakeholder involvement. This effort will result in innovative training materials, enhancing employability prospects and sustainability in the agricultural sector.

Activities include the introduction of digital courses to improve FA curricula, enabling students to achieve sustainable agricultural production. These courses, tailored as Lifelong Learning (LLL) materials, bridge academia and industry, catering directly to agricultural producers.

Anticipated outcomes range from baseline studies to strategic partnerships, aiming to attract more students to agricultural faculties, equip producers with green skills, and strengthen academia-industry ties. Ultimately, SKILLS aims to foster a culture of sustainable agriculture, driving progress within the consortium countries and beyond.

As SKILLS advocates for circular agriculture, it signifies a pivotal step towards a more sustainable future. By leveraging education, innovation, and collaboration, the project aims to carve a path towards economically, environmentally, and socially responsible agricultural practices. Join us in shaping the future of agriculture through SKILLS.

Project beneficiaries/target group

These stakeholders directly benefit from SKILLS, contributing to the advancement of sustainable agriculture within the European Union

About the project

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

Action Type: Cooperation partnerships in higher education (HED)

Call: 2021 – Round: Round 1

Grant Agreement No.: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000023289 

Project Duration: 28/02/2022 – 27/08/2024 (30 Months)

Total budget: 138.158,00€